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Why your donation is important:
YAPA Kids is 100% community funded. All funds go to supporting our students. We rely on donations from the community to:
Create new programs
Develop curriculum and prepare class materials
Reach out to teachers and students around the nation
Maintain our website and run operations
On behalf of the YAPA Kids team, we thank you for your support.
All donations are 100% tax deductible.
If your employer matches donations, please let us know using this form.
Thank You to Our Supporters!
Aaron Lua
Aishia Fisher
Alice Tong
Alyssa Yao
Andrew Lu
Angie Mulyadi
Anupama Sunil Kumar
Armina Fareed
Bao Lei
Chloey & James Fang
Deepak Kansal
Eleanor Zelda Hernandez
Elvin and Kayley Zhong
Furong Li
Grace Ma
Guozhong Shen
Hui Liu
Jackson V
Jeffrey Luu
Jitendra Chopra
JJ Naungjumnong
Kristeen Dana Mobe
Ling Xiong
Livia Carli Lex
Lynn Nakamura
Maggie Wong
Mallika Joshi
Miriam Destra
Miriam Rhew
Monica Mendieta
Nelson Mu
Pei Reng Zhao
Princess Hannah Santillan
Ratnakar Malla
Shannon Wai
Sheila DeStefano
Shwetha Shankar
Sing Tay
Sunil Hariani
Suraj Shetty
Swathika Ganesh
Teresa Eng
The Duarte Family
Ting Yao
Umalakshmi Shenbagam
Winnie Wong
Yanfang Zhu
Yi Lu
Yue Yuan
Zi Zhou